pipeline exports to Canada have increased since 2018 when the NEXUS pipeline and Phase 2 of the Rover pipeline entered service. natural gas imports from Canada have steadily declined in the past four years as new supplies from Appalachia into the Midwestern states have displaced some pipeline imports from Canada. EIA forecasts these deliveries to account for an increasingly larger share through 2021 as new LNG facilities are placed in service and new pipelines in Mexico that connect to U.S. LNG export facilities and by pipeline to Mexico accounted for 12% of dry natural gas production in 2019. natural gas exports exceeded growth in natural gas consumption in the U.S. The United States has been a net exporter of LNG since 2016 and delivers LNG to more than 30 countries. In contrast, the United States has been a net exporter of natural gas by pipeline to Mexico. Historically, the United States has imported more natural gas than it exports by pipeline from Canada. The United States trades natural gas by pipeline with Canada and Mexico and as LNG with dozens of countries. Net natural gas exports more than doubled in 2019, compared with 2018, and EIA expects that they will almost double again by 2021 from 2019 levels. net exports is led primarily by increases in liquefied natural gas (LNG) exports and pipeline exports to Mexico. natural gas exports will exceed natural gas imports by an average 7.3 billion cubic feet per day (Bcf/d) in 2020 (2.0 Bcf/d higher than in 2019) and 8.9 Bcf/d in 2021. Energy Information Administration (EIA) forecasts that U.S. In its Short-Term Energy Outlook (STEO), released on January 14, the U.S. Energy Information Administration, Natural Gas Monthly and Short-Term Energy Outlook natural gas supply during the winter months.Source: U.S. Imports by pipeline from Canada and LNG imports at the LNG terminal in Everett, Massachusetts, are important sources of U.S. Increases in production have helped to reduce the need for imports in recent years. This surplus contributed to increased exports and to the United States becoming a natural gas net exporter from 2017 through 2022. natural gas production exceeded domestic consumption in 2017 through 2022. natural gas production have helped to increase exports and reduce imports natural gas imports are generally highest in winter when imports help meet increases in natural gas demand for heating. natural gas imports was LNG 99% was from Trinidad and Tobago and the remainder was from Canada. A small amount of CNG -0.01% of total natural gas imports-was tranported by truck from Canada. total annual natural gas imports were from Canada and nearly all by pipeline. Some of this imported natural gas may have been exported. natural gas imports were about 3.02 Tcf (8.28 Bcf/d), which was about 8% more than in 2021 and the highest volume since 2017. annual natural gas imports in 2007 reached about 4.61 Tcf (12.62 billion cubic feet per day ) and have generally declined each year since then. natural gas exports in 2022 were by pipeline, and about 68% of those exports went to Mexico and 32% went to Canada.

LNG exports exceeded pipeline natural gas exports for the second consecutive year in 2022. LNG exports increased substantially each year from 2016 through 2022. However, since the United States first began exporting LNG from the Lower 48 states in 2016, continued growth in LNG export capacity resulted in increased LNG exports. Previously, the United States exported relatively small volumes of natural gas, mostly by pipeline to Mexico and Canada.

In 2022, the United States exported natural gas to 46 countries. Expansion of the natural gas pipeline network, notably in the Permian Basin area of Texas, allowed producers to increase the capture of associated natural gas from oil wells, which helped to increase total production in 2022 and contributed to increases in U.S. natural gas production contributed to lower natural gas prices, which increased the competitiveness of U.S. annual natural gas exports generally increased each year from 2000 through 2022 because increases in U.S. The United States has been an annual net exporter of natural gas since 2016. natural gas exports were 6.90 trillion cubic feet (Tcf)-the highest on record. Click to enlarge Natural gas exports reached a record high in 2022