Blue polychrome jasper
Blue polychrome jasper

blue polychrome jasper


The area where this mineral is found is full of nanoplankton fossils, including Foraminifera and Radiolaria, which are responsible for creating mookaite jasper. It is believed that the mineral formed around 145 – 66 million years ago. It naturally occurs in Windalia Radiolarite found in Western Australia. It is also called Mookaite jasper and contains fossils or be a silicified porcellanite mineral. Purple Jasper Types Purple Mookaite Jasper Purple jasper may have different varieties of stones, as seen below. Sometimes it may occur in purple or blue shades, making it appear majestic due to inclusions and circular patterns. The stone is famous for the earthy tones of yellow, red, brown, and green due to iron oxides. Jasper’s microcrystals occur as fillings or nodules in several places worldwide in diverse colors.

blue polychrome jasper

However, the microcrystals for jasper are large and sugar-like grains, unlike the fibrous layers found in Agate or Chalcedony. The grainy and fibrous Quartz are known as Chalcedony after being grouped. Jasper is a microcrystalline, opaque, and dense Quartz variety. Jasper was used in many cultures to engrave signet rings, cylinder seals, and special talismans that showcased religious and astrological images. The Egyptians carved jasper amulets with inscriptions and symbols with inspirations from the Book of the Dead. Back then, jasper was considered a powerful and sacred protection stone in the spiritual realm and physical world. Jasper can be traced to ancient civilizations and people. It balances your aura, giving you peace and a sense of wholeness. Purple Jasper is widely known for its stability and grounding effects, which is also known as “Supreme Nurturer.” The stone gives the wearer security and comfort, healing, and strength, among other impressive properties. The gemstone urges you to celebrate the moments you are alone, absorb and connect with its energies from the Earth. It aligns with the electromagnetic energies of our world and enables you to be conscious of your surroundings and nature. Purple Jasper has a constant and slow frequency since it is an Earth stone. Purple Jasper Healing Properties and Benefits.Purple Polychrome Jasper (Desert Jasper).Every jasper comes as a masterpiece with harmonious energy that impacts human life and is bold and primitive. It may appear in unique forms such as a nighttime sky, golden sunshine, desert sands, red rock canyons, undulating ocean, or sweeping mountains. Jasper as a gemstone is a precious wonder that naturally occurs on the surface of the Earth. Introduction to the Meaning and Uses of Purple Jasper

Blue polychrome jasper